A year ago we raised the prices of our Starter sites to USD $950. This included, as it always did, a full 12 months of support after the launch. The price rise reflected the increasing value of our work with our clients: when you get a site with us, it includes all the work of putting your site together, uploading of all your content, consultation on content strategy, and of course, ongoing consultation and support for a full year afterwards.
So why are we lowering our prices?
Our initial pricing of $750 was extremely popular, so we’re really happy to go back to $750 for a starter site, with a slight restructure of our post launch service.
You still get all the great stuff we provide upon building your site – development, content uploads, consultation, quirky jokes – and great post launch support.
What’s changed?
The included support is now 3 months instead of 12. This is our warranty period for making sure that your site is functioning securely and efficiently (the way it should).
Continuing our support service
Of course, you always have the option of renewing support after the 3 months – our standard support pricing is USD $350 for 12 months.